Thursday, October 4, 2007

A Long, Long Week

It's hard to believe that it's only Thursday night, but I know that it is because I'm watching "Survivor" as I post this. This has been a crazy week. Monday was an inservice day, so this should have been and easier week because I only had four days with students. However, that's not how this week has shook out.

Tuesday we had a very long assembly, nine year olds don't sit well on the hard floor for an hour. I didn't get much work out of them the rest of the afternoon.

Wednesday was picture day. This year we tried out a new picture company. Everything that possibly could go wrong did go wrong. My scheduled time was originally 11:15, then we were moved to 12:50, and finally we were called down at 2:15 and we were still kept standing around waiting. The kids missed their last recess because we were waiting in line for photos. I tried to take the kids out for a few minutes of recess and then it started raining cats and dogs.

Today we had our first big writing assessment of the year. It is untimed and the kids get as much time as they need to plan, draft, edit, revise, and publish a five paragraph essay. I blocked out the whole morning for this endeavor. Half of my class was done by lunchtime, most of the others were done by 1:30. What a long, tedious time to monitor children. We spent the rest of the afternoon drawing still lifes of pumpkins and gourds, and helping our first grade buddies with math.

Tomorrow should be a fairly normal Friday with the exception of our fundraising assembly at the end of the day. It's time for our annual cookie dough sale. The sales rep will breeze into the school and rile the kids up into a frenzy. It's a bit like an old time medicine show. Thankfully it's at the end of the day so I can send them home to their parents right afterward.

Sorry if this sounds whiny. I really do love my job most weeks, just not this one.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Sorry you're having such a stinky week! Be sure and do something super fun this weekend!(not just standing in the rain watching football)