Monday, September 27, 2010

Off to College

On September 17 we moved Alyssa into her dorm in Cheney, WA at Eastern Washington University.  It's a beautiful campus with fountains, statues, brick buildings, and a devilishly red turf football field called "The Inferno." We weren't sure we could fit everything into the room. Three girls come with lots of "necessities." Alyssa and her friend, Amye, turned their beds into bunks so that they could fit everything else into the room.
There was no way to fit three twin beds and three large desks and chairs into that space without stacking the beds.  I was impressed with the amount of storage in the room. I think Alyssa has more drawers and closet space in her dorm room than in her bedroom at home.

Amye has the top bunk for now. I don't know if she'll keep it for the whole year or alternate at some point.  She likes it for now.

Alyssa is settling into a routine of classes, studying, going to the gym, and attending sporting events.  She has attended her first college football game and a volleyball game.  The boys next door tried to teach her how to play poker, but she preferred Uno and BS.  She has gone out to the movies with one set of cousins and out to lunch with another cousin and his girlfriend.  They even took her to the VFW hall and taught her how to play pool.  Now she can play on the tables in the dorm lounge.  She'll be coming home for the first time October 8th.  On the way home Alyssa will swing into Ellensburg to pick up a friend and take her home for the weekend too.  During the weekend she's going to be home she'll get to see her former babysitting charges play football and cheer as well as see Noah play two basketball games in Seattle. It will be a very full weekend.