Saturday, October 6, 2007

3:10 to Yuma

Forrest and I finally took ourselves out for a date night. We've been trying to get to the theatre to see this movie for weeks. We even went on a Friday night and paid full price. Usually we're too cheap and only go during economy hour. "3:10 to Yuma" is a gritty western with Russell Crowe at his charmingly evil best and Christina Bale as a heroic Civil War vet. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. It's always been a pet peeve of mine to see a Western where the actors are dirty yet have dazzlingly white teeth. This movie is not one of those. The men are all dirty right down to their poor dental hygiene. It definitely makes the movie more realistic.

This week is all about Homecoming for Alyssa. She spent hours decorating Mardi Gras masks for the sophomore float last night and this morning, and later this afternoon she's meeting with the float committee to start construction. Last year she was part of the winning float committee as a freshman. It was the first time in memory that the freshmen won the contest. Wednesday night is the parade through town. Hopefully it will be warmer and drier than last year. Friday is the football game and Saturday night is the dance.

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