Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Homecoming Parade

Tonight was Alyssa's Homecoming Parade. This year all of the floats were great. I think either the seniors or juniors will win this year. The sophomore's vision of New Orleans was a bit complicated for a float which they could only spend six hours on. As you can see by the lighting in the photos the weather changed a lot during the course of the evening. By the end of the parade Alyssa was soaked and freezing. She came right home, showered, and went straight to bed. The past few days of float building, homework, and less sleep than she's used to have take their toll. She's the big sleeper in this house. Ten hours a night is what she runs best on. I'm lucky to get seven. Tomorrow is college dress up day so Alyssa is going to wear all WSU garb including her brother's WSU flip flops. I'll post later this week and include photos of Alyssa in her Homecoming Dance dress.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Looks like fun! be young again!