Monday, April 16, 2012

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad

On Saturday we traveled to St. Helens to stay with the Wormans. Noah and Grayson played basketball in front of the house. Grayson decided that a pogostick was a great way to make up for the difference in height.

Michelle made a lovely banner for the anniversary party. Balloons, flowers, and good food made for a beautiful brunch.

Three generations eating together. Mom and dad pose with their four grandsons.

The Jones family minus Alyssa pose with the happy couple. We missed her, but it's too far for her to drive by herself.
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! You are our inspiration.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring Break in Portland

Forrest, Noah, Noah's friend Kaleb, and I took a quick trip to Portland during our spring break from school. The weather was gorgeous and we enjoyed sitting in the sun downtown in Pioneer Courthouse Square. As you can see Forrest is still supporting the now defunct Seattle Sonics while I am sporting my new Blazer shirt. Noah and Kaleb joined Forrest in wearing their Sonics gear to the Blazer game. The boys loved NikeTown. We spent lots of money on shoes, shorts, shirts, and socks, and they wouldn't validate my parking! How rude!We made a trip to Voodoo Donuts. Very yummy treats, but the exposure of this shop on FoodNetwork creates long lines out the door at any time of day. Mom and Dad were excellent hosts as usual: fixing crepes for breakfast and taking us out for yummy meals. The Blazer game was great, except that they lost. It's been so long since we've been able to attend an NBA game. Forrest and the boys have high hopes that Seattle will get a team again soon.

After our quick trip to Portland, Noah had his wisdom teeth pulled and spent the rest of his spring break recuperating. I got to be the nurse, managing his medications and providing him with ice packs, cold drinks, and soft foods. He has made a full recovery and is make to his usual eating machine self.