Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Missing my Book Group

Book group just hasn't been the same since the bookstore where we met for more than 10 years closed down. The owners couldn't find a buyer who met with the approval of the landlord so the lease was lost and the business folded. It was one of the last independent bookstores around. We started meeting in the food court area of a large grocery store. I went three times. It's too loud and distracting for good conversation. I'm still on the email list so I get updates, and I know what the group is reading. The group is supposed to move to the bookstore at the local community college when the major renovations of that space are complete, but that space probably won't be ready till after the first of the year. I've missed meetings because of my kids' activities, but I could have made other plans and gone to the meetings if I felt like I was going to enjoy it.

I'm reading an interesting book about Medieval Iran right now. It's called The Blood of Flowers by Anita Amirrezvani. It's her first novel. It deals with the world of the Shah, his courtesans, the royal carpet designers, and a poor girl with amazing talents for design. I'm only 1/4 of the way through, but I know it's going to be a new favorite. An amazing book for a first novel.

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