Saturday, October 27, 2007

Endings and Beginnings

Football is over. Noah's team lost their playoff game this evening. The coaches praised the boys and thanked them for a great season and Noah cried. He gets emotional when he loses, but this was more about saying good bye to some men he really respects. We'll have the end of season party on the 4th and turn in the gear. His head coach, a big teddy bear of a guy, gave Noah a big hug and said "I love you." That just made Noah cry more.

After the game Forrest and the kids went to a huge haunted house with the neighbor and his kids. I bet they're having a great time. I didn't feel like standing in line in the cold to get scared so I came straight home. It's so nice to have the house to myself. Neither of my kids are trick-or-treating this year, the haunted house is the more mature way to celebrate. This is the first year since 1993 that I don't have to buy or make a costume. We're getting pumpkins tomorrow because I refuse to give up that part of the Halloween celebration.

This past week Noah had basketball tryouts in addition to his football practices. He's exhausted. Basketball practice starts this week so we get no break between sports this year. It will be nice to be inside, warm and dry for a change. Football practices and games were getting very cold and wet.

Forrest and I will celebrate 18 years of wedded bliss tomorrow. Alyssa is babysitting for one of Noah's friends tomorrow night so they're staying overnight while Forrest and I go out to dinner. Forrest and the kids brought me home two dozen beautiful apricot roses today. What a lovely surprise. We're going to our favorite seafood restaurant at the marina. I can hardly wait.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Happy Anniversary! I remember your wedding like it was yesterday, especially the funny thing the minister said! Hope you have a great celebration!