Friday, September 28, 2007

Class Ring: 2010

Alyssa ordered her class ring yesterday. When she was born in 1992, 2010 seemed so far away. Now it's right around the corner. I'm certain I didn't get my class ring till my junior year, but the thinking now is you should get it as a sophomore so you'll get more wear out of it. I haven't worn mine for 25 years, but I've had it on all week. Alyssa wanted to see it when she was designing hers so I dug it out of the jewelry box and haven't gotten around to putting it back. Class rings have really changed. She designed it all online, printed it out, took it to school, and had her hand sized, and ordered in her unique design. I'll post a photo of it when it arrives.


Michelle said...

Ok, so now I feel officially old!

suzanne said...

I regret not getting a high school ring, but it seemed so uncool at the time. I wear Murray's a lot, though.