Thursday, September 6, 2007

First Day of School

This is partially a faux first day of school. Wednesday was Noah's first day of middle school and my first day with my class,but Alyssa didn't have her first day till today. Yesterday only the freshman students had to attend. Alyssa came to school with me and volunteered to help our friend,Tracy, set up her kindergarten classroom.

Noah likes his teachers so far. He has Home Living every other day this quarter alternating with PE. He worked with sewing cards today so the boy will be able to sew on a button when he grows up.

Alyssa had quite a bit of homework for her first night. She has to give a speech in Spanish about herself tomorrow so I got to be her audience while she practiced. She thinks her math teacher is a bit creepy (lots of very dramatice eye make-up).

My class seems to be full of very sweet kids. Most are excellent readers. Math is the subject I'm worried about. Based on my early assessments we're going to have to work very hard this year.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I can't believe how grown up they look~!