Saturday, September 22, 2007

First Loss

Noah's team suffered their first defeat today at the hands of some very big Burlington Tigers. On a bright note he caught his first pass in a game. Unfortunately I was so excited that I goofed up the filming and only got footage of the grass. Noah's friend, T.S., another former soccer player made his first kicking extra points today. The photo is a bit blurry, but you can see Noah, #89, finishing his block and the ball sailing right through the uprights. In this league kicking the ball after a touchdown is worth two points and running it in is worth one. That's the opposite of high school, college, and the pros. But kicking is very difficult for young kids.

We just got a call from some friends who have Seahawks tickets for tomorrow that they can't use. Forrest and Noah will have a great time at the game. Noah went to bed before we got the tickets so he'll be surprised in the morning. It will be Noah's first pro game. I'm so jealous.

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