Sunday, July 8, 2007


We're in the middle of a strange dry spell. It's been at least 10 days since we last had rain, and there's no rain forecast for at least two weeks. Our temperatures are supposed to be in the 90s by the middle of the week. I hate to complain, but I'm already tired of watering the pots on my deck on a daily basis, some need twice a day on really hot days. The lawn looks like it's August already. We water the recommended 1" per week, but that doesn't seem to do the trick. It probably doesn't help that our front lawn gets full western sun almost all day and that the dogs tear up the backyard. But I am enjoying sitting on the deck and reading in the sun. However, 90 will be too hot for me. I'll have to take my deck time in the morning this week.

Forrest cleaned up the area around our shed today, and Noah moved part of our firewood stack so I can bring in a load of river rock tomorrow to spruce up the space. Hopefully this will discourage the dogs from digging under the shed.

On Friday we'll be headed to Saint Helens to visit my sister and her family. Then on Saturday we'll have brunch with my folks, my aunt and uncle from Texas, and my brother and his wife. I haven't spent much time in Oregon this year because of school and sports commitments. I'm really looking forward to it. This will be the start of 3 weekends in a row when we'll be on the road. The following weekend will find us camping on the coast. The final weekend of the month will be spent with the in-laws. Hopefully my sister-in-law from New Mexico will be able to make the trip to eastern Washington.

This weekend has been great! The only commitment we have is a birthday party tonight for a friend of Noah's. It's in Everett so I'm going to sneak in a trip to Trader Joes while he's at the party. Our cereal collection is nearly empty and uninspired. Must get some vanilla granola for the girl and something healthy, but sweet for the boy. Then I'll browse the aisles for delicacies that I didn't even know I needed. Must leave for the party soon.

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