Friday, August 24, 2007

Weekend Plans

This was supposed to be a kid free mom's weekend. Forrest and our friend Dennis were supposed to take our four kids camping so that the moms could go shopping, watch chick flicks, and get pedicures. That was the plan until the football league decided that Noah's team should have their first game of the season tomorrow. So now the camping trip has become a father/daughter trip and Noah is staying home with me. He's going home to spend the night with a friend after his game tomorrow so I will have tomorrow night free. We have four chick flicks from Netflix to watch. I'm not sure I can stay up late enough to watch all of them. Alyssa has demonstrated her best OCD traits in preparing for this trip. She made lists, gathered supplies, and was a great help to Forrest in the packing of the trailer.

Noah has worked really hard this week to earn a starting spot at defensive end. He is also on the kicking team and the receiving team. He's second string at tight end, but he might get to start since the kid who starts ahead of him wrenched an ankle at practice last night and sat out the second half of practice.

It's hard to believe that summer is almost over. I didn't get my closets reorganized or the photo albums completely updated. However, I took every opportunity to sit on my deck to read and look out at the water and my rose garden. That does more to recharge my batteries for the coming school year than cleaning and organizing chores. Those things can wait for rainy Sunday afternoons.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Sorry to hear your plans are being interrupted. One of my grouchiest weekends ever was when Paul was sick and unable to take the boys on a planned father/son campout. We moms need time off!