Sunday, June 24, 2007


The draft for Noah's football league is later this week. We've been trying to request a coach without really requesting (If you know what I mean?). We'd like for Noah to play with a friend who has younger siblings whom Alyssa babysits for. She often watches the youngsters so they don't have to be out in the cold for hours at a game. It would be great if Noah and his friend could play together, and then we could drop off Alyssa and take turns delivering the boys to practices and games. The other reason we're trying to arrange his draft spot is that one of the coaches has a reputation for allowing lots of trash talk, and he's been known to swear at the kids. So I'd like to avoid him if possible. However, some parents I've spoken with really like this coach. What to do? What to do? Forrest tells me that football is very different from every other sports environment that I've been exposed to, and that I shouldn't worry so much. This is my first experience with youth football. I guess I shouldn't borrow trouble. The draft hasn't even happened yet, and I'm already worrying. I think I need to sign off and go read my newest Maisie Dobbs mystery and take my mind off football.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I still can't believe you're letting him play. I'd be such a nervous nellie! Fuller is still jealous! Tell Noah we said good luck.