Thursday, June 21, 2007


Occasionally the solstice and the last day of school occur together. This was one of those years. We were originally scheduled to be done with school on the 15th, but our unusually snowy winter caused us to miss four days of school. While we enjoyed them at the time-we regretted them this week. The staff at my school were worried by threatening skies during our award assembly. We were afraid that field day would have to be moved inside. Thankfully by the end of the assembly the clouds had parted and the sun peeked out. Since I'm writing this on my deck I thought I'd submit some pictures of the view I'm enjoying. When I'm not running children around to their activities, this is where I spend much of my free time in the summer. I'm hoping to read some great books out here this summer. I'll keep adding them to my list, and maybe I'll review some too.

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