Sunday, May 18, 2008

Finally Some Warm Weather

Friday brought us temperatures of about 80 degrees and Saturday was nearly 90. Today was a more comfortable 75. Forrest got the patio and deck power washed, and Alyssa and I started putting the new patio furniture today. We spent 2+ hours on the job and still only got halfway there (5 out of the 10 pieces). Just too many bolts and washers for us girls.

My folks came up this weekend to celebrate Noah's belated birthday. Noah got Guitar Hero and spent a lot of time this weekend looking like a rock star. Dad gave us three great CDs of family photos and history to watch. Noah's team won a close 1-0 game yesterday. His friend, Drew, threw a no-hitter. Noah was supposed to pitch part of the game, but you can't really pull a kid who has a no-hitter going.

We always eat lots of yummy restaurant meals when the folks are here. Tonight we were all feeling a bit sluggish and over-stuffed so we just had salad for dinner. I'll have to try and put more than 10,000 steps a day on my pedometer this week to make up for the extra calories I consumed this weekend.

Noah's final baseball game of the regular season is tomorrow night. Then we have to wait and see what happens with the rest of the teams in the division. They'll end up either 2nd or 3rd. Then we'll have a post season tournament against teams from other Little League divisions. Hopefully the tournament will start after Memorial Weekend because we have plans to be out of town over the holiday weekend. We'll get to see family members from both my family and Forrest's.

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but here is a plug for my camera, a Nikon D40. This was the Christmas present that Forrest and I gave each other. Then we added the 55-200 zoom lens to it. The great baseball photos I've posted lately have been taken from outside the field. I stand just outside the centerfield fence which is just the right height to rest the camera on to take photos. Although it's a lot bulkier and heavier to carry around, it's definitely worth it.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I'm hoping to get that same camera soon! Boy mom is starting to look so little next to your kids.