Thursday, March 6, 2008

Dirt Under the Fingernails

Yesterday was a beautiful afternoon. I only worked half a day as I had a doctor's appointment. I was home by 2:30. After having my neck adjusted at the chiropractor I was energized and ready for some outside work. My car is now shiny again, and I started clearing weeds from my front flower patch. I'm still digging dirt out from under my nails. These weeds are very hearty. They have flourished all winter long. The worst ones are what we call "Shot Weed." If you try to pull them when the seeds are formed they'll shoot their seeds every where. The crocus are in full bloom and the daffodils are not far off. Today is even warmer than yesterday so I'm hoping to get in another hour or so of work in after school while Forrest and Noah are at baseball practice. So much for March coming in like a lion. Hopefully Mother Nature isn't mixed up and we'll get our lion weather later. I much prefer the lamb.

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