Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year's Lunch

On New Year's Day we journeyed to the big city to have lunch with my brother and his wife. My poor brother was terribly sick with a sore throat so his wife did most of the talking. It was a beautiful day for a long drive. Nice days have been few and far between lately. Lunch at the waterfront was delicious. We even let Alyssa drive home. It was the first time she's driven in the city. Getting on and off the freeway was a bit scary, but she handled herself OK.

The neighbor kids went back to school today, so it was quiet around the neighborhood. The kids and I go back to school Monday. The last few days before break were trying. It was very hard to keep the kids focused. We went to school till the 21st while the neighbor kids were out on the 14th. I was hating our vacation schedule on the 19th and 20th when the kids were cranky and excited at the same time, but now I'm loving having so much time off after Christmas to relax before heading back to work.

Tomorrow the kids and I are taking the dogs to a new place, a self-service dog washing place called Soapy Dog. Our dogs are difficult to wash and boy do they need a bath. It will be nice to pay less than half of what our usual groomer costs, get clean muts, and not have to clean up the mess. I'll report more later.

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