Sunday, March 21, 2010

Endings and Beginnings

Daffodils in Skagit County. They're almost done and the tulips are right behind them.
An early field of tulips. The rest are not far behind and they will be followed by crazy tourists who block traffic, swear at Forrest's flaggers, and park where ever they want to. The weather forecast looks promising for early crowds. Forrest might have to work next weekend before the official start of the season April 1.

Noah's social studies fair project on the history of the signal corps. His teacher was in the gym to 2:00 AM grading them. I think it deserves at least a B. We'll see.

Our last AAU end of season team party at the Bryson compound. We've watched most of these boys play ball since 4th grade. Now these young men are in the home stretch of 8th grade heading towards high school. When they started playing together Alyssa was taller than all of them and she's been a surrogate big sister. When I requested this photo with all of her "brothers" she got teary since she'll miss most of their freshman season while she's away at college next year. Today Noah had his first spring ball game as part of the high school program at a local community college.

Taco time during the party. Tyler, Noah, and Kaleb.

Watching the 2 on 2 tournament that the boys organized during the party.

Presenting photos of their past championships to Coach Bud and Coach Jeff.


Warmbeachjo said...

Noah got an A- on the essay part and an A- on the display board. Good work Noah!

suzanne said...

Thanks for the update and awesome pix.