Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Camping in Winthrop

We had a great camping trip to Winthrop last weekend even with three extra teenagers along for the ride. Thankfully everyone got along and there were no squabbles. Alyssa and her friends slept in our tent, and Noah and his buddy, Nate, slept in Nate's small tent. Forrest and I got the trailer to ourselves until Saturday morning during a downpour when Noah got fed up with Nate rolling over on him and he joined us at 4:00 AM. The temperatures were cooler than the mid-90s that were forecast because of the thunderstorms that rolled in during the afternoons. On Saturday afternoon the kids took over the trailer with the computer to watch a movie. Alyssa fell asleep with the computer on her lap and the other kids watched while she slept.
Because of high fire danger we couldn't have a campfire so we made smores over charcoal briquets and cooked with our dutch ovens and the trailer's gas grill. The drive through the North Cascades was glorious. The mountains, rivers, and lakes are spectacular.

1 comment:

suzanne said...

Sounds like a lovely adventure! I miss using the Dutch oven.