Saturday, May 2, 2009

Spring at Last

I hope we're through with frost as I took a chance and put some pretty annuals in the ground. I also copied a container vegetable garden from Sunset magazine. It's a 4' x 4' bed with tomatoes, basil, cucumber, and dill. Sunset's version had chives instead of dill, but the store I went to didn't have any chives so I decided to use dill rather than drive around searching for chives. As usual my favorite bleeding heart is in full bloom under my front window. We had pajama day at school yesterday and an extra recess to celebrate the end of our state testing period, meeting our attendance goals, and surpassing our math goals for the end of the year 6 weeks early. I wore a long t-shirt, flipflops, and capri pant sweats. It was 75 degrees and sunny. I even needed my sunglasses to play volleyball with the kids. We officially have 31 days of school left hurray!

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