Friday, January 9, 2009

Still Soggy

It's almost 36 hours after my last post and I still only have one way in and out of my neighborhood instead of three. A friend who lives above the small town of Silvana sent me this photo of the road that we both usually take to work. Maybe by Monday we'll be using it again. I still have to drive 20 miles instead of 5 to get to town. Maybe by Sunday the roads will be clear. Last night the police were escorting dump trucks to Stanwood to shore up the dike that had been breached. The water in the park and ride lot was up near the top of the stop signs and part of the state highway to Camano Island was closed. The sewer lagoons were compromised too as the river overflowed it's banks and poured into the holding ponds causing them to spill over. Stanwood schools were closed again today. They now have five days of school to make up. We only have three. As I was typing this the power went out. I'm sure that's related to the flooding somehow. I made Forrest go start up the generator so I could publish.

1 comment:

suzanne said...

Wow. Glad you guys are weathering the weather safely.