Sunday, November 9, 2008

Catch Up Time

I know it's been three weeks since my last post so I'll try to get caught up here quickly. It's been hectic around here. Since my last post Noah had basketball tryouts while his football team was still practicing for the play offs. Forrest went out of town for a week. Alyssa worked, went to school, and put in many volunteer hours for honor society. I worked, took Noah to practice, taught two evening writing classes to teachers, and kept up with the housework (sort of). Forrest had to work two Fridays. He usually has them off because he works 4 tens. I've gotten used to him being able to to some chores on his Fridays so this further complicated our lives. Halloween crept up on us. Noah and I picked up our pumpkins from a farm stand on the way home two days before Halloween. We didn't even get around to our annual trip to the pumpkin patch as a family. The kids carved their pumpkins the night before Halloween after football practice. On Halloween we had a high school football game to go to so we left our bowl of candy on the front porch (we've done this before without incident). We returned to find the bowl had been emptied and thrown into the front yard.

Noah's team won their three play off games and were crowned Junior Division Champions tonight. They beat one of the other Arlington Jr. teams 18-8 for the win. The boys were so wound up they were making silly mistakes and were called for lots of penalties. Forrest said they won despite themselves. As you can see by the photo Forrest had an important job. He was part of the chain crew tonight so he got to be close to the action. Noah had some impressive blocks and tackles tonight. He did get called for being off-sides once and for blocking in the back. It was a great season. Basketball practice starts tomorrow.


Michelle said...

Thanks for the update- we've been wondering what you were up to.

suzanne said...

Ditto! Welcome back to the blogosphere, missed your news!