Monday, September 29, 2008

Homecoming Part 2: the dance

Look at Alyssa and her lovely friends. I think the boys at their school are crazy. All of these girls are smart, kind, accomplished young women and none of them were invited to the dance by a male classmate. What is wrong with them? Forrest thinks they're intimidated by strong, smart women. Since none of them had a date the girls went out for Italian and then danced the night away.
On a completely different note I had a Martha Stewart afternoon on Sunday. I made the complete Oktoberfest menu from her magazine including soft pretzels, sausage with sauerkraut, onions, and apples, and boiled potatoes with butter, parsley, and dill. My German ancestors are rolling in their graves because my children won't touch sauerkraut. It's so sweet when it's cooked with apples and onions. Martha even puts in a bit of apple cider for further sweetness. Forrest made them each take one bite, but that was it. I don't know what came over me. I haven't had much time to cook lately and it felt good to make a big mess and get my hands dirty.


Michelle said...

Alyssa looks beautiful! High school boys really have no taste.

suzanne said...

Good on them for going and having a great time, date-free! And thanks for the tip about the sauerkraut, I'm going to have to give it a whirl.

Enid said...

Wow...Alyssa looks stunning. Homecoming is such fun, glad she played such a big part in the festivities.