Monday, August 25, 2008

Weekend of Contrasts

Saturday was beautiful! Light breeze, sunshine, 80 degrees, Noah's team won their first game of the season, I got in some quality deck time. After football I dozed, read, enjoyed the spicy scent of my lilies, and gazed out at the water. The start of the school year next week means my daily allotment of quality deck time is dwindling fast. Today hasn't been very warm, but I sat out there and read for an hour anyway.
Sunday was very wet! It rained all day, at least until sunset when I took a picture of my lavender all bent over from being rained on all day. The end of the Olympics was strange. I've come to be a devoted watcher on 3 networks, USA and Oxygen in the morning and early afternoon, NBC at night. Now I have to wait 4 years to see badminton on TV.

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