Friday, June 6, 2008


OK. Here's another piggyback post off of my sister's blog. She's always heard that her boys, especially the older two resemble their father quite a bit. But today she posted a picture of herself in first grade and there is quite the resemblance to her middle son's first grade photo. I hear quite often that Alyssa looks just like me. I don't see it. After Michelle posted her first grade photo I went looking for some photos of my own for comparison. I found an awful photo of myself in 6th grade (complete with aviator glasses and braces), Alyssa's 6th grade graduation photo, and a picture of Noah who is currently in 6th grade. My kids definitely look alike. And for those of you who know Forrest, they look like their dad. Not me, except for their beautiful blue eyes. The noses, brows, chins, etc are all Jones. So here's my proof.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Your right, they really do look like Forrest.