Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Spring Break Accomplishments

Books read: 3, see list to the left

Movies watched: 2, "The Last King of Scotland" from Netflix is a definite recommendation. Amazing acting from the whole cast. "Leatherheads," in theaters now, is not worth $9.00 a ticket. It's cute, but definitely one you should wait to get from Netflix.

I also ordered photos from Bartell Drugstore so I can start updating scrapbooks. Alyssa's was the farthest behind. I managed to work on her book with photos I'd already printed. Now all three books, Noah's, Alyssa's, and the family book are current as of last Hoopfest in June 2007. I'm 9 months behind. Usually I get caught up during Christmas break and summer vacation but I've been a slacker.

I finally cleaned out our office space. Since we have a laptop and use it downstairs most of the time the office adjacent to our bedroom has become a dumping ground. When we wanted to hook the laptop up to the printer we'd have to shift junk off the desk first. After two full garbage bags of junk and two bags of books to take to Half Price Books we can now use the desktop and walk into the room without tripping.

Spring break was wet and cold so I didnt' get much yard work done, but I did manage to squeeze in a little bit of weeding. The forecast for this coming weekend is looking promising. Hopefully I'll be able to get out in the dirt.

Quality time spent with family in Oregon and at home: 9 glorious days!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Any books ready to head my way? Sounds like a productive week off, hope this week back at school is good.