Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Fair Time

Last weekend was the local Stanwood/Camano Community Fair.  The weather was wet but the kids had a great time any way.  I don't think Noah appreciates the animals any more, but Alyssa always takes time to see them.  She was especially fond of the little piglets.  I think she took 10 pictures of the pigs. This horse was waiting its turn in the show ring.
Noah and his friend, Nate, got their money's worth out of their $20 unlimited ride bracelet.  They were at the fair for six hours.  The boys ran into some girls from their school and spent the day with them.  They later went to one girl's house to hang out for the evening before spending the night at Nate's. It seems like Noah never spends a full week here ever.
Alyssa and her friend, Rachael, kept their hoods up trying to keep their hair dry during the damp fair.  They spend so much time straightening it they hate to get it wet.  After the fair Alyssa went to a Mariner game with Forrest.  They had a good time despite another loss for the home town team. I had the house to myself. I could watch whatever I wanted on TV and I didn't have to share my Ben and Jerry's ice cream with anyone.

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