Monday, February 9, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

We had a great weekend!  Mom and Dad came up from Portland and we celebrated their birthdays and Alyssa's belatedly.  Alyssa was able to buy an ipod Touch with her birthday money and earnings from her job.  We had great meals out (except for the quick meal at McDonalds between basketball games).  Noah had three basketball games.  His team won two and lost one. 

 Alyssa went to an ice skating birthday party.  Forrest went to two sessions of baseball tryouts to
 scout players for the draft in two weeks.  He is an assistant coach.  Noah attended one session of baseball tryouts after his Sunday basketball game.  I just followed everyone around or provided transport, food, and drink.  I did manage to continue my recent streak of accident prone behavior by getting nailed in the knee by an errant pitch.  It's purple and very tender this 
Dad took a few photos and we didn't manage to get a good one of him. 
If the ipod Touch was a  little bigger
I think Dad would get one as it's a very portable way to check email on the road.


Michelle said...

I'm so jealous! Alyssa has WAY cooler stuff than me!

suzanne said...

Murray LOVES his iPhone. Makes me want one too. Hope your knee heals quickly!