Saturday, December 20, 2008

Snow Day #3

I've been trying to remember if we've ever had three full days off for snow in a week before. I don't think we have. The week after Thanksgiving 2005 we had two full days off and three late starts. That was the winter that we missed five days of school and had seven late starts ( the last of which was in March). I hope this will be it for us, but most winters January and February bring the worst weather. Since Forrest doesn't work on Fridays he was home yesterday with our four wheel drive truck so we got to leave the neighborhood and venture into town. One of our most important stops was the post office. We had lots of packages to ship to eastern Washington. Our original plan was to drive to Forrest's mom's house to visit with her before Christmas, but the weather made us change our minds. We have about a foot of snow on the ground with 4-8" more forecast for tonight and blizzards forecast for the mountain passes. Spokane has about 2' of snow with more on the way. It's currently 5 degrees here this morning at 6:18 AM. It's very peaceful. The kids had three friends spend the night, and they're all snoozing in the living room, Forrest is asleep up in our room, and our dog, Boo is snoring beside me as I write this. If you're not tired of snow pictures yet here are a few more. If you look closely you'll see ice on the bay, amazing!

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