Mom and Dad came up to help me celebrate my birthday this weekend. On Saturday night they treated us to a yummy dinner at Ivar's at Mukilteo Landing. Sourdough rolls, delicious salads, and superb fresh seafood were on the menu. Usually the views from this restaurant are terrific, however, last night it was cloudy and hailing. We could see the ferry docking and unloading, but not much else. Then we came home and had yummy Mint Oreo DQ cake. Our crazy March weather continued this morning with many of our friends in Arlington and Marysville waking up to a couple of inches of snow on the ground.

It was weird to celebrate without Alyssa, but she will be home soon. She has finals this week and will be home Wednesday. Then she'll be on spring break until April 1st. I got a lovely quiet dishwasher for my birthday from Forrest, and he and Noah also bought me the sweater and butterfly blouse in this photo.
Sunday started with a yummy breakfast at the Stanwood Cafe followed by a game for Noah at Skagit Community College. After the game my weekend of seafood continued with an oyster burger at the Conway Tavern. We had lunch so late that I am skipping dinner, but will probably have a piece of birthday cake later.