I have had no one to answer to all day today. Noah has been with friends all weekend, Forrest is visiting his mom, and Alyssa went to Wild Waves today. I have had a blissful day to only do what I want to do. I did some shopping. I bought new towels for the guest/kids bath. Usually the kids' bathroom gets the hand me downs from the master bathroom when Forrest and I get new towels. I spent some time puttering in my classroom. I have enough planned for the first three days of school so I am not going in tomorrow. I will not be working on Labor Day. A nap on the deck, washing the cars, and taking photos of an amazing sunset rounded out the day. Alyssa and I plan to get pedicures tomorrow. And the kids will be doing some housework so I can start the school year with a clean house. They've been free from chores all weekend. It's time for them to step in and clean bathrooms and scoop the dog poop from the backyard.
On Tuesday I will get a massage to loosen up my neck and shoulders before reporting to school for some meetings and final prep for Back to School Night. Our wonderful PTA will feed us and the families dinner. The kids will come to my room where they will drop off their supplies, choose a cubby, and a seat, and introduce themselves to me. I am looking forward to a great year. I have several kids who are the younger siblings of students I have had in the past. It's always nice to see familiar faces and catch up with the families.