We're trying to find a new home for our young dog, Cowboy. He is an escape artist. We just can't keep him in the yard unless he's tied up. He either needs a large acreage where he can have the run of the place or a kennel with a cement floor and a roof so he can't dig or climb out. I'll hate to see him go, he's a sweet dog, but I worry about him getting hit by a car when he's out.
Alyssa and I got to see a great Mariner game last Sunday. The M's won 4-2. Our second row seats were excellent. Forrest has been to two games and hasn't gotten to see a win yet. Alyssa and I must be lucky.

The fourth grade classes have been incubating chicken and duck eggs. So far none of my eggs have hatched. They've all been duds so I've been babysitting some chicks for one of the other teachers. Alyssa snapped the funny picture of Forrest posing with a chick named Caramel.
Noah's baseball season is almost over. His team scored a tremendous come from behind win last week scoring 7 unanswered runs to win a tournament game in extra innings. There is a great article with photos in the Arlington Times. Google the paper and check out the article in the sports section about the Stilly Valley Blackjacks.
Work is still very stressful. The lay-offs are set, but the staffing for next year is still in the works. I could be transferred to another building and/or be moved to a new grade level. The adminstrators were hoping to have news for us tomorrow, but it's not going to happen. I might not know anything till August. We can't make classlists or a master schedule for next year yet. Usually those things are done and ready for the fall by mid-May. Everything feels incredibly disjointed and everyone is out of sorts and jumpy.