Alyssa and I had a whirlwind weekend. Yesterday we left the house at 6:45 AM so I could drop her off to take the PSAT. I was working in my classroom at 7:30 and stayed there till she was done with her test. By 11:00 we were on the road to Portland to surprise my sister, Michelle, on her birthday.
Her wonderful husband, Paul, set up everything perfectly with assists from my folks and my sister-in-law, Enid and my brother, Jim. To kill a little time on the way down Alyssa and I stopped in for a visit at Jim and Enid's in Vancouver. We talked school and politics and took the dogs for a walk on a beautiful fall day. Then it was time to be off to Mom and Dad's to decorate for the party. The party was a great success. She was surprised, the cake was delicious, the decorations were divine, and Michelle received some wonderful presents. She was queen for the night.

Alyssa and I spent the night, went out for a yummy breakfast on Sunday, made a quick stop at the University of Portland to check out the campus (they've been blitzing Alyssa with mail lately), and then took off for home. We took Enid's suggestion and checked out downtown Olympia on our way home. It's terrific! lunch at a little place called, Plenty, was worth the trip off the freeway. Now it's back to the grind. Parent/teacher conferences all week for me. Yippee!