What a loooooonnnngggg afternoon. Noah's 1:00 PM game went on for 13 innings. It was a 3 1/2 hour game. Noah's team scored three runs in the first inning including two that Noah hit in with a double. The other team tied things up in the middle of the game, and it stayed at 3-3 till the end of the regular game, 6 innings. So we progressed to extra innings. It was a tense pitcher's duel. With Little League's new restrictions on how many pitches a boy can throw in a game we were getting worried that we'd have no one left for Monday night's game. Noah's team used up both their best pitchers and so did the other team. Finally in the bottom of the
13th with the bases loaded litle Saigo hit a double which scored two runs and the game was finally over 5-3. This was the second time this season that Saigo has gotten the game ball for getting the game winning hit. The sweetest part of this victory was that the team we defeated was the only undefeated team in our league prior to today.
After the game our niece, Jackie, and her boys, Austin and Anthony, came up for dinner. They live near Spokane and they were in Redmond for a state chess tournament. After dinner we took them to the beach to investigate the tide pools and to play at the playground.