We spent the weekend listening to conflicting weather forecasts about when the snow would hit and how much we should expect. So I was very surprised to be awakened at 5:00 AM by an automated phone service called Connect Ed telling me that there was no school. I peeked out the window to see our yard blanketed in white. I tried to sneak into Alyssa's room and turn off her alarm, but I couldn't find the right button and ended up waking her up.
We hung out with the neighbors, took a walk to the store for chocolate syrup to make cocoa, and watched the Food Network looking for inspiration for dinner. I made grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch for everyone. The kids had snowball fights and went sledding down our steep, dead end road.
The neighbors came for dinner and we watched The Learning Channel. Now we're just waiting to see if the forecasters are correct and more snow is on the way. Tonight I'm going to leave the phone on my nightstand so if I get a 5 AM call again I won't have to jump out of bed to grab it.